Crop Technology


MOCAF is the product of cassava flour (manihod crantz esculenta) are processed using the principle of modifying the cells in the fermentation of cassava. Microbe that grows causing changes in the characteristics of flour produced in the form of increased viscosity, gelation capacity, power rehydration, and
dissolves easily. Microbes also produce organic acids, especially lactic acid which will terimbibisi in the material, and when the material is in if it will be able to produce distinctive aromas and flavors that can cover the aroma and flavors of cassava is likely to please consumers. During the fermentation process occurs also penimbul color removal and protein components that can cause a brown color when dried. Mocaf-T1 effects are produced more white when compared to normal cassava flour
Current conditions indicate that the product is economically MOCAF was much cheaper than wheat products that had been circulating in the market. Raw materials are easily cultivated, cheapening the price of cassava in the market today, as well as the processing of flour that does not require high technology, making the price MOCAF currently only be 40-60 percent of the price of flour. This makes the product so produced any of these MOCAF will be more profitable than wheat flour.
During this regular usage of cassava flour because of its quality, is still very limited. For food ingredients such as flour substitution by 5% on instant noodles that produce products with low quality, or the cookies. However, the application MOCAF flour with the characteristics described above, was able to produce food products that are very encouraging.
The result showed MOCAF test can be used as a food ingredient with a very wide use. MOCAF found not only be used as supplementary material, but can be directly used as a raw material of various kinds of food, from noodles, bakery, cookies until the semi-moist food. With little change in the formula, or process, as this product was not exactly the same characteristics with wheat flour, rice or other, can produce an optimal product quality.
Brownish cake, cakes and spongy steamed cake can be made ​​with raw material of 100% MOCAF as flour. The resulting product has the characteristics that are not much different from the product made ​​using low protein flour types (soft wheat). As the volume of product development based on beaten eggs, then it is not difficult for MOCAL to replace the wheat flour.
For flavor, organoleptic test results with standard recipes indicate that panelists did not know that cookies are made ​​from MOCAF derived from cassava. The cakes are made ​​from raw MOCAF have a high resistance to dehydration, so it can be stored in 3-4 days without significant changes in texture.
MOCAF also been tested to use a variety of pastries, such as cookies, Nastar, and kastengel, where 100% of the flour using MOCAF. The results showed that the pastries are produced have characteristics that are not much different from the product made ​​using low protein flour types (soft wheat). It's just butter or margarine MOCAF require little more than flour to get a good texture. For flavor, organoleptic test results with standard recipes indicate that panelists did not know that cookies are made ​​from MOCAF derived from cassava.
For the cake, MOCAF application has been tested on a traditional layer cake is usually made ​​from rice flour, or wheat flour with added tapioca. The results show that MOCAF can substitute rice flour or wheat flour 100%. The resulting textured layer cake soft and not hard. These results indicate that MOCAF can also substitute rice flour which is currently more expensive.
In addition, it has also conducted trials with the substitution of wheat flour MOCAF-scale plant. The results show that up to 15% MOCAF could substitute wheat flour in noodles with good quality, and up to 25% for low-grade noodles, both physical and organoleptic quality. In teknispun, noodle-making process did not experience significant obstacles if MOCAF used to substitute the flour.
Alternative application as a food ingredient MOCAF the other is its use in baby food. With the properties of these materials owned, technically it is not difficult to apply to this product. However, given the baby food has a special specification will require careful study to make this happen, for example: the study of oligosaccharides which cause flatulence forecast was solved during the fermentation. This study is important so that the baby does not experience bloating while taking this product.
MOCAF-T1 has physical and organoleptic characteristics of the specific when compared with cassava flour in general, although of different chemical composition is not. From the analysis, mocaf-T1 can be classified as products of "edible cassava flour" based on the CODEX STANDART, CODEX STAN 176-1989, (Rev. 1-1995).
The appearance of such white wheat flour, used to substitute for flour in noodles instances (low class) with subsidies up to 25%, pastry, biscuit s / d 100%, bakery s / d 30% etc..
  • The content of soluble fiber (soluble fiber) is higher than the cassava flour.
  • Mineral content (calcium) is higher (58) than rice (6) and wheat (16)
  • Oligasakarida cause of flatulence is terhidrolis.
  • Flower power has the equivalent of wheat type II (medium protein content).
  • Higher digestibility than cassava tapioca.
  1. Natural Resources
The total land area of ​​1100 m2 has been available for production and 25ha land for cassava cultivation
  1. Resources are owned ManusiaSDM to manage the business consists of four graduate PT, a graduate Diploma, 12 graduated from high school, one of the engineers and others.
  2. Physical Resources
  1. Transport network
    Transportation network is inadequate because the plant has access roads in and out of raw materials and distribution of products.
  1. And network marketing prospects
    Wheat marketing mocaf highly prospective due to three things.
    • The first, this mocaf didesaign flour and directed in a certain percentage as a flour substitute or at least be a mixture of wheat-flour that already exist.
    • The second, very competitive price level. Which is more important that manufacturers are operating fairly close to the industry of bread and other foods. And no less important is this MOCAF flour can also be utilized for one of the main ingredients of fish feed manufacture (mainly small fish) because of very high mineral content. With a high mineral content is expected the formation of body tissues become more optimal. So that the expected ability of fish life and health for the better.
Basically the purpose of making Mocaf are:
  1. Improve national food security.
MOCAF made from cassava, a local potential diversitifikasi based products, will reduce our reliance upon imported foodstuffs such as wheat and rice. Besides the relatively cheap price MOCAF will improve food access for the poor.
  1. Create business and employment opportunities.
MOCAF production process involving farmers, cooperatives and industries. Mocaf produced can be used as raw material for food industry household scale, medium and even large industries. MOCAF as upstream production and downstream use by industry MOCAF will create business opportunities and employment.
  1. Improve the welfare of farmers.
MOCAF manufacturing industry by itself will increase the demand for cassava that would improve the welfare of farmers.
  1. Improve the utilization of marginal land.
Marginal land in Indonesia is vast and when not in use will cause erosion, declining soil fertility and fire. Cassava plant so it can grow very adaftif and production in dry land. The use of a novel food ingredient MOCAF (new food), the food industry to improve business efficiency and national food security. MOCAF production processes with the core system as a farmer-partners with the cutting edge will create employment and to increase income to farmers. Therefore MOCAF to support industrial development policies and political will of governments.
The basic principle of making flour MOCAF is the principle of modifying the cells in the fermentation of cassava. Microbes produce enzymes that will grow and sellulolitik pektinolitik that can destroy the cell walls of cassava such that the starch granules occurred liberation. This liberalization process will cause characteristic changes of the flour produced in the form of increased viscosity, gelation capacity, power rehydration, and dissolves easily.
Furthermore starch granule will experience hydrolysis resulting monosaccharides as raw material to produce organic acids. This will terimbibisi acid compounds in the material, and when the material is processed will be able to produce aroma and distinctive taste that can cover up the smell and taste of cassava that are less likely to please consumers.
During the fermentation process occurs also cause color removal of components, such as pigments (especially the yellow yam), and proteins that can cause a brown color when heating. The impact is generated MOCAF color whiter than the usual color of cassava flour. In addition, this process will produce flour which closely resembles the characteristics and quality of wheat flour. MOCAF product so it is suitable to replace the flour ingredients for the food industry needs.

There are six stages of the production process cassava into flour MOCAF

  1. The process of stripping the outer skin and the cambium
  2. Slicing (slicing / serving)
  3. ONCE A fermentation process for about 24 hours with a pickup.
  4. The drying process
  5. The milling process
  6. The process of packaging (packing) Explanation of each of the above process are:
  7. Stripping process, cassava which will proceed to peel the outer skin peeled using tools or machines until it is completely clean of skin and washed using running water. After being washed thoroughly with water immediately carried stripping / cambium cleaning (thin vessel membrane or timber). Once the outer skin peeling and slicing cassava in the cambium (sliced ​​/ chopped) by using the tool / machine chip slicer into shape (thin round slices) and direct immersion in a tub of fermented for 24 hours, after the soak was appointed, at the drain and the wind -aired in the open air to eliminate / reduce the water content in the chips, this per cent in terms of termination of fermentation. Chips that have been prepared and then put in a kiln or dried in the sun during 2x24 hours depending on the weather drying floor. Once the chips completely dry with a 15-20% flour direct / on rollers by using tools / machines, and in the sieve to separate the soft particles. The last process is the packaging size bags of 25 kg by using a two-layered.
From the results of lab tests. Nutritional Malang in June 2009 data we get is as follows:
Code: Cassava
Dry ingredients: 87.99
The water content: 12:01
Ash content: 1.44
Organic Materials: 98.56
Crude Protein: 3.42
Crude fat: 0.83
Coarse fiber: 2:39
BETN: 83.33

MOCAF flour as a flour substitute alternative materials have considerable opportunities to develop. From the demand side, demand for wheat market is increasing in line with changes in food consumption patterns of an increasingly modern society. Likewise, the proliferation of various types of industrial and food processing business, from large scale to the retailer, particularly since the 1998 economic crisis.
In terms of supply, MOCAF flour made ​​from raw cassava, a crop that traditionally have been developed in Indonesia, also has considerable potential. The extent of potential land for cassava cultivation (due to geographic suitability), ease of cultivation techniques, as well as the amount of labor that can be moved, making it too there is a problem from the supply side.
The desire of consumers for food products which are embodied in the product quality includes not only nutrition, but also include security, ease of use, and imaginative. Food is no longer simply the biological needs. With a shift in paradigm, the consumer demands are becoming increasingly important and decisive development of the technology (direction and type) as well as the food innovation available in the market (Wirakartakusumah, 1997).
Communities tend to be attracted to the food product in penyajiaannya practical, and seemed more modern, such as noodle products, bread, snacks, baby foods and so on. Changes in food consumption patterns (food habits) This causes the need for food-based starches increased rapidly, one of the greatest consumption is wheat flour.
Needs of the national wheat continued to increase significantly. From 1995 to 2004, the national wheat consumption for various industries continue to experience growth, but in 1998 a negative growth, due to the economic crisis. During that period the average growth of 5.84% per year, and even reached about 7.00% in the last five years. With this growth, the national flour consumption reached over 1.7 million tons per year in 2004.
Meanwhile, data from the Indonesian Wheat Flour Producers Association (Aptindo) actually show a much greater rate. According Aptindo, national wheat consumption in 2004 reached 3,334,108 tons, with a growth rate reaching 6%. With this growth rate, then in flour demand in 2007 will increase to 3.7 million tonnes. Of this consumption, 65 percent is for Small and Medium Enterprises market, with the greatest use for noodles (instant and wet).
Increased demand for wheat is in addition triggered by changes in consumption patterns, also fueled by the proliferation of food processing business, especially post-1998 economic crisis. Working capital requirements are not too large, coupled with the high demand for processed food products to food processing businesses, especially small and fast food that is increasingly flourishing.
Meanwhile, the ever increasing demand for this was not matched by adequate availability of raw materials. This type of flour that had been circulating in the market are mostly made ​​from wheat. In fact, wheat is sub-tropical plants, which is not very suitable to the climate and geographical conditions in Indonesia. Although he was often sought, but until now there has been no attempt cultivation of wheat that can be economically developed.
This makes the national flour industry dependence on imported raw materials is very large. Consequently when the market price of wheat imports increased sharply as a result of high demand the world market for the products of food grains, making wheat prices also rose sharply in the country. Table 3.3. showed an increase in wheat prices by 60% during the period 2006-2007, and is expected to continue until the end of 2008.
This situation has resulted in various negative impacts on the food industry in the country. Many large food processing industry to delay the development of business plans, and even cancel investment plans. While smaller scale industry whose fate was much less fortunate, so they had to close down for not being able to anticipate this increase in production costs.
Therefore, the existence of an alternative MOCAF flour from wheat flour, will benefit the national food processing industry. Types and characteristics similar to wheat, but at prices far cheaper to make flour MOCAF become a very attractive option. Various types of processed wheat flour products that can be replaced by flour MOCAF, also made ​​the transition to the flour MOCAF users are not hard to do.


1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Hi Thank You for this article I am interested in buying some Bimo where can I fins this product??