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Land is the physical environment including climate, relief, soils, hydrology, and vegetation. These factors are to some extent affect the potency and the ability of land to support a particular type of use.
Types of land use ("major kind of land use")
is the main groups of rural land use, such as rain-fed agriculture,
irrigated agricultural land, forest land, or land for recreation. Type of land ("land utilization type, LUT") is a type of land use are defined in more detail and detail compared with the type of land use. A LUT consists of a set of technical specifications in the context of the physical, economic and social specific. Some of the main attributes of the LUT al is:
- Products, including goods (crops, livestock, timber), services (for example,. Recreational facilities), or other benefit (eg nature reserves, nature reserves)
- Market orientation, subsistence or commercial
- The intensity of the use of capital
- The intensity of labor use
- Power source (human, livestock, machinery with a particular fuel)
- Technical knowledge and behavior of land users
- Technology used (equipment and machinery, fertilizer, livestock, logging methods, etc.)
- Supporting infrastructure
- Land tenure and ownership
- Income levels.
"Characteristic field" is an attribute of land that can be measured or estimated. For example, slope, rainfall, soil texture, available water capacity, vegetation biomass, etc.. While "The quality of the land" is a complex attribute of land that has a specific role in determining the suitability of land for a particular use. Examples of water availability, erosion resistance, flooding hazard, and accessibility. "Diagnostic criteria" is a variable that
makes have a certain influence on the results (or input is required) on
the specific use, and these variables also serve as a basis for
assessing the suitability of a field land for such use. These variables can include land quality, land characteristics, or functions of some of the characteristics of the land.
Several kinds of land-related quality of growth and crop productivity
are: (i) the crop, (ii) the availability of water, (iii) nutrient
availability, (iv) the availability of oxygen in the rooting zone, (v)
the conditions for the per-kecambahan, ( vi) ease of processing, (vii)
or alkalinityas salinity, (viii) the toxicity of the soil, (ix) the
resistance to erosion, (x) flooding, (xi) the temperature regime, and
(xii) Fotoperiodik.
Some land-related quality of forest productivity are (i) the danger of
fire, (ii) pests and diseases, (iii) factors affecting the location of
the development of young plants, (iv) the type and number of indigenous
timber species. In the context of the evaluation of land resources is known there are two kinds of terms, the "capability" (ability) of land and "suitabilitas" (suitability) of land. Abi ladies of land considered to be inherent capacity of land
resources for kung supported it in general use, whereas land suitability
reflects the suitability of land areas for specific use. Another opinion stated that the ability to lead to further land
conservation aspect, while the suitability of land leads to more
Specifically in relation to the building of the activity in the
agricultural sector, the technical term "land use" and "land evaluation"
involving a wide range of activities. In this connection, the suitability of the land is also significant as an area of land suitability for a particular use. Differences in the level of compliance is determined by the
relationships (actual or anticipated) between benefit and input relating
to the use of the land. Thus there are two kinds of health-customized classification of land, the suitability of actual and potential suitability.
Melirang village located in Gresik regency Bungah district. Distance from the highway to the village Melirang ranged between 1 - 1 ½ miles. With boundaries as follows:
North side: Village RACI Wetan
South side: Solo
East: Village Sidorejo
West: Village Mojopuro Wetan
The total area is 538.900 m2 according to usage.
Melirang village located in Gresik regency Bungah district. Distance from the highway to the village Melirang ranged between 1 - 1 ½ miles. With boundaries as follows:
North side: Village RACI Wetan
South side: Solo
East: Village Sidorejo
West: Village Mojopuro Wetan
The total area is 538.900 m2 according to usage.
The number of families with as many as 754 farm families. Yields Melirang village include: rice and corn.
Area of approximately 53 hectares of rice crops with yields 3.71 tons
/ ha, whereas corn planted area of approximately 167 ha with yields
5, 61 tons / ha. Fertile soil make the state of most of the villagers Melirang farming.
The number of families who own land of fruit trees and as many as 284 farm families. Results of fruits includes: mango, sapodilla, bananas. Mango crop land area of approximately 20 ha with yields 2 tons / ha, brown 1 ton / ha. While the banana crop land area of about 2 ha with yields 2 tons / ha.
The number of families who own land of fruit trees and as many as 284 farm families. Results of fruits includes: mango, sapodilla, bananas. Mango crop land area of approximately 20 ha with yields 2 tons / ha, brown 1 ton / ha. While the banana crop land area of about 2 ha with yields 2 tons / ha.
- The number of families with a total of 55 dairy farms with a population of 275 birds.
- The number of families with as many as 12 people Chicken with a population of 510 birds.
- The number of families who have a type of boiler chickens as many as 31 people with a population of 20 000 individuals.
- The number of families who have a duck as many as 95 people with a population of 210 birds.
- The number of families who have a goat as much as 3 people with a population of 525 birds.
- The number of families who have a bird nest as many as 5 people with a population of 1500 individuals.
- Livestock production include: eggs and swiftlet saliva. For the egg number of 18 000 kg / tahun.sedang to swallow the saliva of some 20 000 kg / year
Availability of animal feed include fodder crops area (elephant grass,
etc) of 0.5 hectares, the production of green fodder 1 ton / ha, 15 ha
pasture area.
- Owners of livestock products processing enterprises include: salted egg and cracker skin each owned by 4 people.
- Availability of land pemaliharaan livestock / grazing fields owned by the general public and 5 Ha Ha land as much as 10 gang.
- Types of fish and marine aquaculture production equipment and brackish include: ponds 50 Ha with the 75 tons / year.
Species of fish and production include: shrimp or lobster 49 tons /
year, banding 20 tons / year, tilapia 5 tons / year, and catfish 1 Ton /
Land Capability classes at Southern Village Melirang consists of two Class capabilities, namely:
Capability Class I
Land capability class I have a little obstacle that limits its use. Class I land suitable for a variety of agricultural use, from crops
(and agricultural crops in general), grass crops, pastures, forest
production, and nature reserves. Lands in capability classes I have one or a combination of the nature
and quality as follows: (1) is located in flat topography (slope
<3%), (2) the sensitivity of erosion is very low to low, (3) do not
experience erosion, (4) has an effective depth of the deep, (5) are
generally well drained, (6) easy to be processed, (7) good water holding
capacity, (8) fertile or responsive to fertilization, (9) is not
threatened flood, (10) in Under the local climate is suitable for plant
growth generally.
The ability of class II
Soils in land capability classes II has some of the barriers or
threats of damage that reduces the options mengakibatkannya use or
conservation measures are needed. Land class II requires careful management, including conservation
measures to prevent or repair damage to the relationship of water and
air when the soil is cultivated for agricultural crops. Inhibition of class II a little land, and easy to implement necessary measures. These lands are suitable for the use of seasonal crops, grass crops, pastures, forests and nature reserves production.
Obstacle or threat of damage to the land class II is one or a
combination of the following factors: (1) the slope of a sloping or wavy
(> 3% - 8%), (2) the sensitivity of erosion or erosion rates are,
(3) the depth is efetif (4) if the soil structure and less well, (5) to
moderate salinity or sodium salts which are easily removed but the most
likely arise again, (6) is sometimes affected by devastating floods, (7)
the excess water can be repaired with drainage, but still there is a
barrier that is level, or (8) the climate is somewhat less suitable for
crops or pengelolannya.
The land capability classes in the Central Region Melirang Village consists of one Class capabilities, namely:
The ability of class III
Soils in Class III have severe barriers that reduce the choice of use or require special conservation measures, or both. Land soils in class III have a more severe restriction of the class II
lands and if it is used for crops that require tillage, conservation
actions required is usually more difficult to implement and maintain. Class III land can be used for annual crops and crops that require
tillage, plant grasses, grassland, forest production, forest protection
and wildlife sanctuaries.
Obstacles found on the ground in the class III land restricting its
use for the old crop, processing time, the choice of plants or a
combination of these barriers. Obstacle or threat of damage may be caused by one or more of the
following: (1) the slope is slightly tilted or wavy (> 8-15%), (2)
high sensitivity to erosion is rather high, or has suffered erosion
medium, (3) during one month each year during the flooding of more than
24 hours, (4) the permeability of underground layers rather quickly, (5)
shallow depth to rock, hard padas layer (hardpan), padas brittle layer (fragipan) or dense clay layer ( claypan)
that restrict rooting and water storage capacity, (6) is still too wet
or saturated water once drained, (7) low water holding capacity, (8)
salinity or sodium content is, (9) of gravel and rocks on the surface of
the medium, or (1) the climate is rather large obstacle.
Class IV capability
Obstacles and threats of damage to the lands within the land class IV
greater than the soils in class III, and also more limited choice of
plants. If used for crop management required a more careful and more difficult
conservation measures implemented and maintained, such as bench
terraces, channels and dams bervegatasi inhibitors, as well as actions
taken to maintain soil fertility and physical condition. Land in the class IV can be used for annual crops and agricultural
crops and in general, plant grass, forest, pastures, forests and nature
Obstacle or threat of damage to the lands in the class IV is caused by
one or a combination of the following factors: (1) a sloping or hilly
slopes (> 15% - 30%), (2) erosion of the very high sensitivity, (3 )
the influence of the former rather severe erosion that has occurred, (4)
shallow soil, (5) low water holding capacity, (6) for 2 to 5 months of
the year flooded the length of more than 24 hours, (7) excess water free
and the threat of saturation or flooding continues to occur after
drained (poor drainage), (8) there are a lot of gravel or rocks on the
soil surface, (9) salinity or a high sodium content (great influence),
and / or (1) climatic conditions less favorable.
Capability Class VI
Land soils in Class VI have severe bottlenecks that cause these lands are not suitable for agricultural usage. Its use is limited to crops or pasture grasses, production forest, protected forest or nature reserve. Land soils in Class VI have a barrier or threat of damage that can not
be eliminated, in the form of one or a combination of the following
factors: (1) is located on steep slopes (> 30% - 45%), (2) has been
heavily eroded , (3) the soil is very shallow depths, (4) contain sea
salt or sodium (great effect), (5) is very shallow root zone, or (6)
climate is not suitable.
Class VI soils located on steep slopes if used for grazing and production forests should be managed properly to avoid erosion. Some of the lands within a class VI land areas in the roots, but is
located on steep slopes can be used for annual crops with conservation
measures such as weight, good bench terracing.
Capability class VIII
Class VIII land unsuitable for agricultural cultivation, but it is more appropriate to be left in its natural state. Useful class VIII land as protected forests, recreation areas or nature reserves. Barrier or threat of damage to the land class VIII can be either: (1)
is located on very steep slopes Yuang (> 65%), or (2) rocky or gravel
(more than 90% by volume of the soil consists of rock or gravel, or
more than 90% land surface covered with rocks), and (3) very low water
holding capacity. Examples of class VIII land is a mountain peak, off the ground, exposed stone and sand beaches.
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